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How To Select Cat Toys

The following are tips and helpful advice to get that perfect toy for the cat owners perfect pets.
Play safe:
The good thing about cats is that they can play ball inside the house and the owners will never know it. Still, there may be things inside the house that cats could find attractive yet might actually endanger their health and safety. Houses must be cat-friendly. As much as possible, take away any string, yarn, needles, rubber bands or other objects that could easily be swallowed by cats. These things could be lethal to cats. Do not let them play with these articles no matter how cute they may appear to be.
Play soft:
Choose soft toys that can easily be machine-washed. It is best that the toys chosen to be played with by cats are also the toys marked as safe to be played with by children below three years old. Toys such as these usually contain fillings that are not hazardous. Also, avoid giving cats toys that are hard and rigid, these types do not appeal to them that much.
Know your cat, know their toy:
It is best that one also familiarize themselves with your cat. Doing so helps in ones selection of the kind of plaything that best serves the size of ones cat - the kind of activity the cat likes and its unique preferences. Know the environment in which the cat likes to spend its time the most.
Choose active toys:
Toys that are great to play with for cats are usually the round plastic ones (such as rings from shower curtains, plastic balls, golf balls, balls used in ping-pong) as these give cats the opportunity to chase and paw around. They could also carry these in their mouths, make sure though that these are big enough they cannot be swallowed but not so large that they cannot carry them in their mouths.
Choose active play:
Balls can be placed inside bath tubs filled with water. Watch as cats frolic and play on and around the toy. It is just as enjoyable to the cat as it is fun for the cat owner. Another added feature that could be placed on balls are bells. One not only sees how cats play, one could also listen and take pleasure in the playful sound
Another simple yet effective plaything for cats is a paper bag. Use paper bags that do not have handles. These bags are good for pouncing around. Cats hide in them too. As much as possible, avoid the plastic ones as cats have the tendency to chew these and they may eat the plastic. This is not good.

Toys with tails:
Cats like playing with soft toy animals - specially the ones that have tails. They either bite them, paw them or chase these little stuffed toys around. It is best if these toys are as big or as small as the cats playing them.
Toys with catnip:
Catnip is sometimes used as stuffing for toys that are soft. Putting catnip in such playthings make the toys more enjoyable to carry, kick and throw around. More importantly, it is safe for cats to chew on, roll around in, or eat.
It is okay for owners to place catnip on carpeted floors, or (to make clean-up easy) on towels. There are now catnip oils that can be placed on carpets, and they usually stay there. Cats detect these too. Although small cats, specifically kittens who are younger than six months have shown a certain kind of immunity to catnip.

The Benefits of Cat Toys

One of the Most widespread health concerns for indoor cats is being overweight. Indoor cats are prone to being overweight mainly because they don't have to stalk or hunt for their dinner. One of the things you can do for your overweight cat is give her a reduced calorie diet or give her a cat toy to play with. Playing with cat toys is fun and can be beneficial in many ways.
ExerciseOne of the best ways to entice your cat to exercise is to dangle a cat toy in front of her. Try putting catnip on your cat toy to "lure" your cat into the "playing mode". Having your cat play with an interactive cat toy is the "purrfect" way for your cat to get some much needed exercise.
Relief of BoredomCats are curious by nature. When cats are indoors they can get depressed due to the lack of excitement that is present in the wild. Cats need some sort of challenge every day. Being able to look out a window, climb a cat tree, or chase a feather cat toy is an essential part of being a healthy indoor cat.
Family Bonding
Whether it is a bond between the owner, a child, or another cat, bonding with the aid of cat toys is very important for your cat's health. Just like humans, cats need to be in a loving family environment. Having an assortment of cat toys to play with your pet not only is a great exercise but is a great way to create much needed bonds to feel like part of the family. Make sure you spread your love to everyone including your cat. When your cat is in a loving environment, she may even play with the family dog. I know mine does!

All cats whether indoor or outdoor need exercise. One of the easiest and most fun ways is to play with her using a variety of cat toys. Not only with this keep the weight down but it will keep her happy, healthy, and free from stress and boredom. So get out those cat toys and catnip and play, play, play.

Cat Toys - Keeping Your Cat Amused

Idle cats can be mischievous cats, so cat owners should provide entertainment for their feisty felines to keep them occupied. If your cat is an indoor cat, he doesn't have the ample opportunity to get the exercise an outdoor cat will, as it chases, climbs and runs about. Toys and playtime will satisfy your cat's natural desire to chase prey. And if you join them in their playtime, the interaction will establish a bond between the two of you - something which will be important to you both.
When choosing toys for your cat, keep safety in mind. You don't want anything with string, ribbon, or yarn hanging from it. This could easily be ingested, and you will have to possibly make an avoidable trip to the veterinarian with a medical emergency. Also, remove any loose or small parts. Chances are, a cat will eat anything that falls off the toy. Again, you will have another emergency. Avoid toys that contain dangerous filling such as beads. Remember, your cat does not know any better.
Some common items cats love to play with are inexpensive, and you may even have them in your own home. Plastic balls are a great source of entertainment for cats. They love to push and chase them. Ping-pong balls are wonderful also, as the holes allow the cat to carry them around. Cats love to chase, jump, and pounce. They also like to play hide and seek, and will while away hours with a simple paper bag. Just make sure the bag doesn't have handles, which could be dangerous. Empty cardboard tubes, from toilet or hand paper, or cardboard boxes will also provide activity for your pet.
Soft stuffed animals are also ideal for the cat to cuddle with, carry, or even wrestle. Just make sure it is not bigger than your cat. A catnip filled toy makes a good play item, as the cat is attracted to its scent. It also will leave a scent on your carpet that will be pleasing to your cat and make them happy.
With a little imagination, you can turn many items in your house into play toys for your cat. Add this to some store bought toys, and your cat will be in kitty heaven. Just keep in mind, cats can get easily bored, so rotate the toys every week or so. You can even hide some and let the cat find them. But more importantly, interact with your cat to make the most of his playtime. He will get the exercise he needs, the occupation he desires, and the love he will return.

Colorful Springs Cat Toy - Wide - 10 pk.